Monday, February 21, 2011


Let me tell you, our new home has been refreshing to say the least!
There's always someone on and there's always somebody willing to run either a regular or heroic.

I'm not a person to ask for help, I don't mind sitting in queue while I farm mines and flowers.
But with this guild, there's officers and guildmembers asking and wanting people to do regulars and heroics.
I've seen many times when those people are playing an alt and someone ask in chat if anyone in guild is interested in doing a heroic, there's multiple people asking what is needed and a person or two will come on their main or one of their many alts.

The guild will be holding a meeting tomorrow night to find out who's interested in raiding and determine if it'll be 10 or 25-man composition.  It will also be decided what nights and times the raid will be on. 
I had a good discussion with one of the officers this weekend.  Basically he's been take time out of his game play to help others obtain the gear needed to raid.  He and other members takes the time to help others who are nervous, new or whatever it may be to get comfortable with the new game play.  They have an understanding that a raid group is a team and team members help one another out... something refreshing from another guild that I won't mention.  They're also willing to help farm mats for crafting epic gear to those mains that is interested in raiding.

Over the weekend, I've done several heroics as a boomkin.  My gear and dps is there for 10-man content but I'm still not 100% satisfy with my healing ability on him.  I also have been gearing up my holy pally, which I'm a little more comfortable healing with.  After the meeting tomorrow night, I'll decided what spec my druid will play.

Until my next post....

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