Friday, March 4, 2011

Hard night and great news for Resto

WoW... last night was a hard night.  One of our tank wanted to run a heroic but on his lock... I was asked to heal.  Since he's been helping us going with heroic runs and obtaining gear I said lets go.  We wented up with 4 guildmembers, pugging a tank.. about 20 mins in queue we got HoO.
You're probably thinking, easy right... wrong, a freshly heroic geared warrior as a tank.  Wipe and Wipe again and then he bales before the first boss.  Then we get a pally that's isn't geared any better but at least knows some of his/her limitation.  We got done with HoO without finishing it because the tank wasn't able to grab all of the adds on the last boss and we had enough of him, we called it.

Then I queue up with Skru to do a random, we got Stonecore... my nightmare as a resto.  It was painful with me deal more times than I care to but we cleared it.

On an up note... this is from the 4.1 PTR patch notes:
Efflorescence has been redesigned. It creates a healing zone at the feet of a Swiftmend  target, but this healing zone now restores health equal to 4/8/12% of the amount healed by Swiftmend to the three most injured targets within 8 yards, every 1 second for 7 seconds. This periodic effect now also benefits from spell haste, but the individual ticks cannot be critical effects.

We now have a smart heal.  This is a greal heal for 25-man content due to people won't be as spread out as much... I'll have to see how it goes in 10-man.... either way, I am happy with what they did with Efflorescence.

Until my next post...


Mitchell said...

A smart heal that is surprisingly different since druids have always relied on the dumb "slugfest" heals.

Maybe since their putting in a smart heal, maybe the druid will finally get the heal "bomb", you know the one like the priests have, takes the target from 4000 health to 140,000 but aggros everything on the continent.

Papa said...

It's actually a good thing. Everything that I've read and seen on the PTR, it'll really depends on how much haste you have. It is possible to have 10 ticks of Efflorescence with Swiftmend. So the potential heals could be great in those oh shit moments.

Mitchell said...

Whats the haste cap now? With all the gear buffs I'd assume it would be around 28% soft cap and 35% hard?

Papa said...

There's actually 3 numbers to shoot for for Hast
Soft is at 12.5% (915 without raid buffs) haste, you'll get 1 extra tick.
Middle ground is at 21.43% which most raiding druids is at.
Hard cap is 37.5% which is a bitch to obtain but once you're there, you'll be in a much nicer place as a healer!

Mitchell said...

Kinda weird that the soft cap is actually so low. Guess some things have changed since I quit.

Papa said...

The soft cap was always that low with this xpac.
It's just hard and frustrating to heal on regular instance quest gear. I will admit that as the gear got better, so did the healing.
Also, running instances with the guild makes it so much more easier and fun. I haven't runned into a healing road-block since we joined the guild.

Tomorrow night is raid night... we'll see how I do.

Mitchell said...

You healing with a rotation or free style?

Papa said...

I don't follow any rotation, it's more about situational healing.

Because of the big increase in health and no real buff to heals in general, it's playing triage instead of making sure people are topped-off. Takes a little getting use to be it works out.

I use tranquility and innervate a lot more with this xpac than I have in the past.

Mitchell said...

Finally, rotations are for the weak who can't play their class. Glad they basically forced people to stop using a rotation.