Sunday, December 19, 2010


Logged in tonight on with the intent of hitting 83... questing my furry butt off in Deepholm, which kind of reminds me of being on a planet in outer-space, anyone else get that feeling?!?

Just dinged 83, took the portal to SW to sell all of my junk, reforged some request reward items.  Then I realized, I have only 1 epic left, my shoulders and that will be replaced soon enough.  I have yet to run any 5-man, I should take a night and run the two that I have in my quest log.

Until my next post....


Mitchell said...

5 mans especially heroics are sad in my opinion. I never thought I would have to spend 2+ hours in a instance again. I wish they would go back to the WOTLK style of 30-45 minutes.

Unknown said...

You know what I miss? Midgetgirl. That's what I miss.